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We are the Kings army. But are we using the right weapons?Are we fighting the battle where it really matters?Unfortunately, many Christians have what would be viewed militarily as a totally ridiculous strategy. They do not fight the battle where it rages. They are not fighting on the real battleground. They have no hope of winning. When are Christians in the nations around our world going to wake up to the fact that we need to re aim our weapons and aggressively and actively fight the issue of evolution by restoring the foundation of creation?In Western nations most churches compromise with evolution. Many theological and Bible colleges teach that the issue of creation/evolution does not matter. They teach that you can believe in both evolution and the Bible because you do not have to bother about taking Genesis literally. This compromising stand is helping to destroy the very structure they claim to want to remain in societythe structure of Christianity. Chapter 10 challenges all those involved in pastoral and teaching positions in our churches to take a positive stand for the God of creation and thus oppose the anti God philosophies that are destroying our nations. Ken Ham is best known for his message on the relevance of creation and the importance of Genesis.

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Once a mutation is identified in a proband, carrier testing is available for at risk asymptomatic relatives who may request it. This type of testing should never be performed on minors and should always be accompanied by pre test genetic counseling. Since most PTD mutations show reduced penetrance, it is impossible to predict whether a mutation carrier will develop the disease, although such probability will progressively decrease with age, especially for early onset conditions such as DYT1 and DYT6. Yet, in case of positive testing, they need to understand the 50% risk to transmit the mutation to their offspring who could eventually develop the disease, based on estimated penetrance. Genetic diagnosis in sporadic late onset PTD is much more complex as several genetic and environmental factors are likely to be involved. GWAS are significantly improving our understanding of the complexity of sporadic PTDs, allowing the identification of genetic susceptibility or protective factors for the development of the disease.

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WAVE is a web accessibility evaluation tool developed by WebAIM. It provides visual feedback about the accessibility of your web content by injecting icons and indicators into your page. The Web Accessibility Toolbar WAT has been developed to aid manual examination of web pages for a variety of aspects of accessibility. Empowering designers with beautiful and accessible color palettes based on WCAG Guidelines of text and background contrast ratios. Hex Naw is a tool that helps designers and developers test entire color systems for contrast and accessibility. Plug in your palette or color system and let Hex Naw do the rest. Enter your colors in HEX format or click on the icon to use the color picker. Contrast ratio value will be updated automatically as you change color values. A tool that brings attention and understanding to how color contrast can affect different people with visual impairments. Ace, the Accessibility Checker for EPUB, is a tool developed by the DAISY Consortium to assist with the evaluation of accessibility features of EPUB publications. a11yTools is a collection of HTML Web Accessibility Testing Tools in one location in an Extension for Safari used for quick and easy Accessibility testing.

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